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Problem with F454


I have a problem with a F454 I recently bought. I don’t know if it’s the right place to get assistance.
My installation is not recent, but it did not have a server. Everything is therefore configured as physical jumpers.
So I plugged in the F454 and connected it to my network but nothing happens. The 2 lights system and signal are on and the link light is blinking, but when I go to myhomesuite, it’s like nothing is plugged in. He can’t find the server. The fact is, my network is not 192.168.1 but 192.168.20
So I tried with the usb cable as well but it doesn’t seem to detect anything.
When I go to my internet box, he sees the F454 connected, but this one does not have an IP address.
I do not know what to do.
I plugged in the F454 as shown on the doc, plugged the AV wires on the terminals of the nearest controller, an LG-003844. Is this right ?
Could it be that the F454 is defective? it is new in principle
Thank you so much !


Unfortunately, we are not able here to bring you help for this kind of question

I invite you to contact the Customer Support of your country :

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi guy.

Simplest,connect a lap top with address 192.168.1.x to the your server  ( default).

This will allow you to configure the server by web interfsce.

Good luck


Hi Sergey,

Thanks a lot for your answer. I finally came to the same conclusion, there is no other way to get connected to the server by default than be on a 192.168.1.x network.

There are few places to get help with bticino / Legrand, that’s a bit of a shame. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

Best regards


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