Error CodeNameDescriptionPossible Solution
400Bad requestSomething is probably wrong in your request body or headerCheck your request body and header
401UnauthorizedUser is not authorized to access the requested resourceSign into Eliot cloud before sending your request

Check your product subscription

User is trying to access a resource on which he is not allowed : check that you are using right user credentials on right plant and device
403Operation forbidden or Quota exceededYour account is not authorized to access the requested resource or
out of call volume quota. Quota will be replenished in hh:mm:ss
Check if you have the requested permissions or wait for the suggested time to repeat your request
404Resource not found/Gateway offlineSomething is probably wrong in your request URL or your device is temporary disconnected from the networkCheck your request URL, including request parameters (API version, plant id, module id) or check your device connection
406Request not acceptableAcceptance header is invalid for this endpoint resourceCheck if the given parameters are valid
408Request timeoutThe server did not received a complete request within the server’s allotted timeout periodWait a few seconds and try to send your request again
430Wrong input parametersYour request body contains invalid valuesCheck the parameters of your values in your request body
469Official application password expiredPassword used in the Legrand or Bticino Thermostat app is expiredPlease renew user password through the application
470Official application terms and conditions expiredTerms and conditions for Legrand or Bticino Thermostat app are expiredPlease accept again terms and conditions through the application
486Busy visual user interfaceYour Legrand or Bticino thermostat device user interface has been used locallyWait about 10 seconds and try to send your request again
500Server internal errorThe server is not operationalWait for the server to work again