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Allways just “Unauthorized”


i just want to build an API Call to open my door using 300×13. Simple task, but it seems to be a endless story 🙁

I followed some howtos and also the samples from this website

* Accound creation
* subscribe the api
* create an application
* use the “try it” option in get plant with Autch code


But all i receive is a

{   “statusCode”: “401”,   “message”: “Unauthorized” }

How can i simpel open my door by an api call? How do i get my plant id?


Best Regards


  • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by uzjhhgjkg.
  • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by uzjhhgjkg.


In main cases, this error happens when you don’t use the correct credentials in the authentication pop-up of the Try-it. So, first check if you use the user mail/password of the end-user account (used in your Legrand/Bticino application)

If credentials are OK, it’s possible that your account is a Netatmo end-user/developer one, but not an Eliot account. In this case you must follow this process :

  • go in Home + Control application > menu > My account > Third-party applications
  • at the bottom, you have a link “I can’t link a third-party application”. Click on it and follow the procedure
  • finally, re-try to use the Try-It function of the GET user’s plant method

Also, please note that the SDK allowing to manage doorlock openings is not maintain and not available anymore on Works with Legrand

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager



As i use a password manager it’s secured that fills the credentials into that fields. So i use the same credentials when i login into or into the popup that appears when i use the try it function.

But, what i can see is, that in i have a display name (top right) for this forum and the application section BUT a different display name there is shown when i am in the API Area.But i don’t chnage my login while switching between this areas.

I dont use the home & controll. I use Door Entry an my phone.


I really just need a very simple api call that i can call from my smarthome system (iobroker) to open the door. And it seems to be very hard to get this simple function working when also the “try it” section is not working in my case.

Hi again,

Indeed, sorry … I forgot you were talking about C300X. The process I gave you is not useful in this case

But as far as I remember the process to verify if you use the correct account in the “Authorization code” pop-up is the same : Door Entry app menu > My account > your email address at the top

You can verify that you used the correct end-user account (it can be the same as your developer account, they are technically on 2 different databases). You will surely need to empty your cache and cookies in order the pop-up to re-appear

  • Go to the settings of your browser “Parameters”
  • In the menu > Confidentiality & Security > Cookies and other data > Display all cookies and data
  • In the cookies search bar, search for “legrand” and delete all cookies related to the developer portal and its subdomains
  • Go to Homepage (, log in again and go to API List page

If it still doesn’t work, please send me via the contact form the email address of the end-user account used to access the device in Door Entry app + a screenshot of your Try It interface after making a GET Plants request (

But one more time, you will not able to use the API to manage your C300X lock. Previously we didn’t allow it via a simple API call but had a SDK. Now, our developers don’t support it anymore and it has been removed. It was mandatory to use it in order to get a JWT ticket allowing next to manage door opening call

Unfortunately, we have to wait for this device to be migrated to Netatmo’s infrastructure in order to unlock doors via an API call. And I don’t have an availability date for it

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hmm, so i boght a smart door opener system for round about 500 Euro that isn’t really smart? I’m not pretty sure if this is, what expected to get for my money.

Can you please tell me, if the netatmo migration of the system is more a nice wish or is it recently in development?


BTW: I solved my plan by using a silly 10 Euro Tasmota switch that can be called by several options like http, mqqt a.s.o. and is able to open a door – smart…


It still works via Legrand/Bticino Door Entry app, but not anymore for third-parties using our API

The migration to Netatmo’s infrastructure is indeed planned : they are now in charge of Legrand/Bticino connected residential solutions and their APIs once ready

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Sure, i can use the app. But the app is not able to do any apple automation / IFTTT or can be triggered by an external system. So it does not cover my needs in this case.

Thanks. Is there any kind of newsletter to get informed when the api is available?

As we don’t store information about developers using a specific API, we will not do a mailing about this. The best is to stay tuned on Netatmo Connect to know when documentation will be available

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hello Leslie, what if I do not have the link “I can’t link a third-party application”? Both in the home+control iOS app, and on then thirt-party app I can only see the list of already authorized applications.



Hello Fabiano,

On my side, the link is correctly present on iOS at the bottom of menu > My account > Third-party applications

  • Are you sure you used Home + Control and not Home + Security app ?
  • Is your app up-to-date ?

As it’s an application webview, the link is not on You could try to re-install the app, but if you don’t see the link I doubt it will resolve it

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hello Leslie, I confirm the app is Home+Control and it is up-to-date as shown in the attached screenshot (just reinstalled it). Still, there is no link (see attached screenshot). Is there any other way to link the “dev” account to the “user” account? Both are created using the email of my WWL Dev account (the one I am logged in right now).

Kind regards,


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Hi Fabiano,

Indeed, you should have the link in the Third-party application page. I checked your account in database and everything seems correct

If possible, you could try to test with an other phone (iOS or Android). On my side, I’ll ask my colleague who built this account linking if he has an idea (but he’s off until Monday)

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hello Fabiano,

Unfortunately, we did some tries and never reproduce your issue. As it’s mandatory to do this operation with a phone, the only thing I can advise you is to try with an other iPhone or Android device

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hello Leslie, I was able to get to a point where the “I can’t install a partner app” appeared by deleting the Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant apps. After clicking on the link, I got the popup with the “Create account”, but then I got the error “Impossible to link your third-party application account to your Legrand – Netatmo – Bticino” (see attached screenshot).

After that, if I click on “I can’t install a partner app” I get another popup where I can no longer link the account – it says “Go to the partner app – I get it” instead of “Create account”.

Kind regards,


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Hello Fabiano,

Normally, if you receive the message from your last screenshot, it means that the link is done

Can you try to make calls to Eliot API and see if it works ?

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

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