C2C webhooks refresh
how often do we have to refresh subscription?
After a small time I did not receive any new event from Legrand
I create a equivalent in IFTTT and it works
I have to addsubscription again to get event back
Hi Jean,
You don’t need to refresh the C2C subscription flow once your webhook is accepted
In my opinion, if you don’t receive events anymore, it’s due to one or several following reasons :
- A webhook must reply in less than 500 milliseconds
- After 5 errors (HTTP code >= 4xx or timeout) in less than 120 seconds, the webhook is banned for 300 seconds
So your webhook can be blacklisted for 20 minutes maximum
PS : I saw your issue with data from C2C custom scenes. I asked our developer’s team to investigate on it
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
My server always responds in less than 2 ms ( just a log ) never fails ( no 4xx errors in log file ) and then webhook is never restored even after 300s or 20 mns.
So it seems to be another problem.
Have you got a somewhere to check the status ?
Hi Jean,
I had more information :
- For Home + Control API, the addsubscription process need to be renewed every hour
- Concerning the other APIs, this process doesn’t need to be renewed
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
For Home + Control API, the addsubscription process need to be renewed every hour
What a pity !
Is it a workaround or a feature?
What about the validationCode ? I got 2 and then never again. It was not supposed to be the keep-alive ?
Hi Jean,
The H+C webhook developers implemented this process in order to “deactivate” no longer used webhooks. This removes unnecessary load from the servers. But I forward your remark to the devs
The validationCode needs to be set just once, when we manually validate the webhook
Do you now correctly retrieve your webhook data by renewing the addsubscription process ?
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
Yes if I renew subscription, it works fine.
But, as I would like to make a public application for multi users, I will have to renew 100 * #user * #plantid
Today it is just a POC, but when (if) I publish, server will spend most of its time to renew webhooks !
Netatmo API has no such limit. Can we have legrand webhook through Netatmo service?
Today I receive topology change from my netatmo cam through legrand api too (but without info) and I can read legrand topology from Netatmo API (”TRY IT OUT” developer web site only)
Is there a scope to request ?
Hi Jean,
Netatmo API has no such limit. Can we have Legrand webhook through Netatmo service? <- webhooks for Home + Control are managed through Home + Control API. Concerning Netatmo’s webhook, it works through Security API. As you saw, the access rules for webhooks are way different between those 2 APIs
Today I receive topology change from my netatmo cam through legrand api too (but without info) and I can read legrand topology from Netatmo API (”TRY IT OUT” developer web site only) <- it’s not the “normal” use of those APIs (it’s more like a “bug” at this point, the teams are warned). That’s why you would not be able to retrieve correct data with this method
But, as I would like to make a public application for multi users, I will have to renew 100 * #user * #plantid <- if you are worried about de 500 calls limit, I remind you that the calls are per day AND per end-user
Hoping to have been able to answer your questions,
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
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