Connection problem beetween MyHomeSuite and F454
Hi everyone, I have a strange connetion problem beetween F454 (v.2.0.51) and MyHomeSuite (v 3.5.29).
The F454 works good, infact I can :
- retrieve/upload configuration.
- use openwebnet client for send/receive open frame.
- use openhab for manage my plant.
But I can no longer connect to F454 via MyHomeSuite for devices configuration.
The error is “Bitmask con errori per il gateway” (in attached the screen shot) .
In the log, I saw this command frame *#1013**7## and in response #1013**7*111111101111101111111101## .
This causes a WrongBit:[1,10] error .
Can someone help me ?
Thank you
Hi everyone,
does anyone have the documentation for openwebnet command <strong style=”color: #545354; font-family: ‘Source Sans Pro’, sans-serif; font-size: 18px;”>*#1013**7## ?
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