Empty list of plants
I have a Smart starter kit (socket with gateway and main switch) with article number 752696, and a “Starter Kit” subscription.
I connected the devices to the network, connected them to the Home + Control application, but I cannot get Plants. I get an empty list. I use the same accounts in the application and when receiving an access token.
My steps: API list -> Home + Control -> Get users’ plants -> Try it -> Send.
HTTP request.
GET https://api.developer.legrand.com/hc/api/v1.0/plants HTTP/1.1
Host: api.developer.legrand.com
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 06e1e82….
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eX….
Response status.
200 OK
Response content.
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Set-Cookie: TiPMix=91.4940911771236; path=/; HttpOnly; Domain=cwn-website-prod.azurewebsites.net; Max-Age=3600; Secure,x-ms-routing-name=self; path=/; HttpOnly; Domain=cwn-website-prod.azurewebsites.net; Max-Age=3600; Secure
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:17d898fc-adbd-487e-96a4-c4287796f34d
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Request-Context
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2021 11:54:56 GMT
Content-Length: 13
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Expires: -1
“plants”: []
I don’t know what else to do to get the plant … Any ideas? I can share control.
Similar tickets that didn’t work for me:
– https://developer.legrand.com/forums/topic/no-matter-what-i-try-api-call-doesnt-return-any-plants-2/
– https://developer.legrand.com/forums/topic/empty-plants/
First things to check :
- Do you see your application when you go to Home + Control > Menu > My account > Third-party application ?
- If no : did you perform the /authorize request to accept scopes ? (https://developer.legrand.com/tutorials/0auth2-end-point-url/)
- If it’s OK for this part : are you connected to API portal with your developer account ?
- In “Oauth Server for Try It API > Authorization code : you have a pop-up opening to ask for your credentials : do you use the credentials of your Home + Control end-user account ? (and not the one from your Works with Legrand developer’s account if different)
If it still doesn’t help, please send me your application ID via the contact form, I’ll check if your app is well configured in database
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
Thank you for help!
As it turned out, it was enough to go to Home + Management> Menu> My Account> Third-Party Application, and accept the partnership agreement (at the very bottom of the page). After that my app appeared and endpoint GET …/plants started to return my houses.
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