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I want to know about the feedback in legrand Home+ control app.
When the light is trigger manually or from any third party app, then how th feedback of that light reflects in Legrand Home+ control App?

Is the app is polling data, or it is getting automatically?
The same thing i want to do in my app.

Thank You.

Hi Nikul,

When the Home + Control app in launched, it will receive during 10 minutes all states changing of the devices to refresh the view. The device – through the gateway – inform the app from the changes whatever the origin (scene, planning, third-party app, vocal assistant, manual action, …)

When a third-party application acts on the device, it informs the backend of a state change. Then, the backend forward the infomation to Home + Control application (if needed)

But it’s never the third-party app which directly sends information to the Home + Control application


Hoping it’s more clear for you,

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie,

Thanks for update.

Actually the point is i am developing driver for ELAN Home systems, and i have controlled legrand iot products one way and now want to reflect feedback on my ELAN App if someone operate Legrand device from App or direct from panel.
So What do you suggest should i send query command to get current status of devices? or Is there any way to get feedback to my ELAN controller without query?

I want feedback like, Light on, Light off, Light level(Dimmer), Shade Open/Close Etc.

Thank You.


Unfortunately, we don’t really have a satisfying solution to perform that :

Our webhook system only manage real-time changes for gateway status, forgotten light and scene change (so, no lights or shades changed status)

Polling – like every 5 seconds for example – is also difficult because of the 500 calls limitation per day and user

I’ll warn the teams about this need so that they can see what they can do to improve it in the future


Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager


When i operate your legrand lighting from ELAN app, for ex. I turn on light from ELAN app, it is showing on in Home + Control app same for off.

So gateway is informing to your app that light state is changed. Does it is not informing to third party app?

Hello Nikul,

In fact, the webhook system for light status works for changes coming from a third-party app to the “official” app : Home + Control

But light status changes coming from a third-party app to the Home + Control app doesn’t work. The developers’ team don’t want to integrate this feature for the moment because it can be too expensive in server resources

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Nikul,

Have you tryed to integrate with elan over others platforms like Somfy gateway or Philips Hue? Or you develop a driver?


Rafael Abbas


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