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Home + Control and Philips Wiz

Very simple question:  Can Philips Wiz bulbs be integrated into the Home + Control App ?

If not, i would we interesting to know if this is on the roadmap?


Hello Oywind,

I don’t well know WiZ range, but they seem to be only working via the Wi-Fi procotol

In Home + Control, you can only add ZigBee compatible bulbs, whatever their brand (if of course they are managed by a Home + Control gateway/network)

It’s not planned to support Wi-Fi bulbs

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie – and thanks for your reply.

This is an important issue because Phillips has decided to terminate all light bulbs from the HUE range. All will from now on be only WIZ bulbs (WiFi based).

From what I see in the shops, and read online, all other bulb manufacturers (Ledvance, Lexmark etc.) are doing exactly the same; Following Phillips and moving away from ZigBee and over to WiFi.

This means that very soon, the support for Phillips and Ledvance as listed in the H+C app, becomes misleading.

For customer service accuracy, this information should be adjusted in the App.
The best solution would be if you could add other brands to the list that you know will continue to support ZigBee for the future. Perhaps even better; Legrand should upgrade it’s gateway to support Matter technology. This should only be a firmware upgrade as the radio technology is the same as ZigBee.

As a customer, I am concerned that Legrand fails to keep up with the market development, leaving us customers behind in the dark.  That’s why I’m asking about Road-Map information. To invest in the Legrand brand, we need to know their plans for the future. Can we trust Legrand?

Final question: Can IKEA ZigBee bulbs be used with the H+C app?

There’s no indication that Philips is discontinuing the Hue line.

Absolutely, there is: Try to see if you can find it anywhere!
According to LeroyMerlin, MediaMarkt and Alcampo (just to mention a few), the HUE line has been discontinued and they are no longer able to supply it.

Everything from now on is WIZ.

Officially, Phillips may not have announced discontinuation of the HUE line, but in reality they are silently terminating it. Product managers av I have talked to, confirm that Phillips has verbally advised all to change to WIZ.

From a technical standpoint this is a terrible decision as WiFi was never designed for IoT, but from a marketing standpoint it is easy to see why Phillips is doing this; User Friendly set-up of new devices with no need for a HUB.  End users have heard of and are familiar with WiFi. They think they know what it is. But still very few have ever heard of ZigBee, let alone know anything about how to use it.

Everything is going in the wrong direction, but money talks, as always.

(While we still wait for Matter to get their act together)

Hello, @Oyvind to answer your questions :

  • Ikea ZigBee bulbs are compatible with our Gateway. In the app, if we only mention Phillips/Ledvance I think it’s more linked to a marketing agreement with them. In a nutshell concerning lighting : if it’s ZigBee 3.0 compatible, it will work in the Home + Control ecosystem
  • Concerning other protocols (as Matter), we of course follow the market needs and technology changes, so it’s a subject for us. I don’t have more info on my side, but if thinks evolves on this point, an official communication will be done

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

That’s purely anecdotal. There is no evidence to support they’ve stopped manufacturing Hue. In fact, they’ve submitted several new products to the US FCC in recent weeks.

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