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Home+Project cannot connect to myHomeServer1 anymore


I am encountering issues with Home+Project app and myHomeServer1.

It started approx. from 31/01/2024 with these symptoms
Home+Project cannot connect to myHomeServer1 anymore. The gateway is found, but after 10-15 seconds, the app displays ‘Connection failed : The gateway has been connected but something went wrong’. When retried manually, IP is correct, same error.
– its firmware is supposed to be 2.83.4 (but not sure it is, since app was supposed to install it…)
– Using 3rd party integration tool (Node-RED) connection :
-> myHomeServer1 drops monitoring connexions every 3-4 minutes
-> Commands sent using the gateway (using Node-RED as third party integration) are OK
MyHome_Suite connects to gateway OK (using MyOpen HMAC password). But it also lose connexion after a few minutes
– Using the OpenWebNet ‘test’ client : monitoring mode also gets dropped after 3-4 minutes

Using Home Control App
– is OK for lights (status and turning them ON or OFF)
– But energy meters are NOK (always remain at 0W)
– I also displays thermo options (which are normally not available in app because of the temperature central unit (3550) managing it)

Note : I also installed the Netatmo Doorbell + configured the Netatmo app (Security) mid December 2023, but, since issues occurred 1,5 month after, I do not think this is related.

Any idea how to solve such issues ?
(I already rebooted it, pressed >10 seconds to force re-init DHCP,…)

Thanks for your advices…
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Hello Frédéric,

I forwarded your problem to our internal support, and they told me that the best is to contact directly the belgium customer support. They will be able to check remotely your installation to determine where is the problem :

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

OK, thanks for quick answer, I will contact them…
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any news ? we want to know what it was 😉

Well, I opened a ticket at local support level, they (quickly) answered with basic checks (restart / network reset button,…), which I already tested, but since then no news… 🙁

Not very professional approach by Legrand on these ones :-((
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Dear Frédéric,

I’ve the same problem.  Do you have already a solution for this?



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