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Info energy consumption

Hi guys,

How can I get the daily energy consumption of plant? can I use the “Get Energy Meter’s status”?
If yes, how can I get yesterday / 2 days ago consumption..


Hello Alex,

GET Energy Meter’s status is used to retrieve the data of an EnergyMeter (a module in a switchboard)
You can use GET light’s consumptions or GET plug’s consumption according to the type of data you want to retrieve

Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager

Hello Leslie,
thank you for your feedback

it means that the consumption data are supplied instantaneously; correct?
How can I get cumulatively (on an hourly, daily and monthly basis values) ?


With GET light’s status for example, if you light is on, you can see the status of the light and it’s real time consumption (warning: you have to define in Home + Control application the consumption in Watts of the bulb because a plug is not able to determine the real consumption). You can try it easily here :

In order to cumulate the data, you have to code it in your own application.

Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager

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