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K4411C and K4412CM2 – Stop working after connecting to Zigbee network


This has happened to me with 2 different modules I originally had a K4412CM2 connected to the Legrand gateway and working properly.

After resetting the connection and moving it to Zigbee the switch has stopped working. The light it always on and it doesn’t matter which button I press it won’t turn off. I know the buttons work because the Led on when off is enabled, so when I press to turn off the led of the switch turns on and so on.

I though this one may have been broken so I ordered a new one a K4411C, the same happened. It was working properly with the Legrand gateway, but as soon as it connected to the zigbee network it stopped turning off the light.


I’ve tried resetting them both (for 20 secs or more) and connecting them back to the Legrand gateway, but they’re still stuck and will always keep the light on. As soon as I power up the grid the light is turned on, i don’t need to press it.

I’m doubting they’re both broken, it seems to be a SW thing. Also the full reset does not seem to fully reset the switch, as the Led when Off functionality is still configured after doing this.


Is there any other way of fully resetting them? Is there something preventing them from working with zigbee?

Hello Nicolas,

I didn’t see a similar problem with these 2 devices. I opened an internal ticket to our support in order them to check

I’ll tell you once I know more or if I need more information

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Thanks Leslie,


I’ll keep an eye on what thee come back with.

Hello Nicolas,

Here is the answer I got from the Support :

1/ We need the firmware version for the 2 devices to investigate. Please note that there is minimum fw version to make the device work in Z3.0 mode. If it’s not done, please proceed to an update to latest versions

2/ We need to know if the device is dead or if it comes from a Z3.0 integration problem. Please redo the association to the Legrand gateway. If it works, we could be sure that the device is working. Wait then for 48 hours for the automatic firmware update to be done (nota : I can check this on my side, please remind me to take a look)

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie


I’ll try to do this today. The problem is that whenever I connect them again they leave the light on and there’s no way of turning it on, so I’ll need to do it and remove the lightbulb.

I’m pretty sure i left them connected before doing the switch to be sure they had the latest FW. I’ll post back this afternoon.

Hi Leslie


I’ve reconnected K4412CM2 to the Legrand Gateway and checked that it is on FW 35, I’m not sure if I’m looking at this properly, but i understand this is a NLFN device and according to the latest FW version is 34? Is the webpage not up to date or im looking at the incorrect device reference?

As mentioned before the K4412CM2 is connected and the light is always on, I’m not able to switch it off. I can however configure the switch from the Home Control app. For example setting the “Locate the switch in the dark” works and when i click on the switch the blue led turns on or off, depending on the state the switch believes the light is on, however the light is never tuned off.

I’ve returned the K4411C as I assumed it was a factory issue. I’ve got a new one which I’m scared of trying to connect to the Zigbee network, as this is starting to become a quite expensive experiment. The new one is connected to the Legrand Gateway for now and is also on FW 35.


Let me know if you need the serial number, screenshots, videos etc 🙂

Hi Leslie

I can confirm that after 48 hrs the behaviour hasn’t changed, still not able to turn off the light, and that the FW version is still reported as 35.




Hello Nicolas,

For the firmware download page, I have to manually update them. I do it every 2 months, so I don’t necessarily have the latest available versions. I confirm the latest version is NLFN-35

Ok, so if I sum up the behavior of the switch for the teams :

  • Connected via the Legrand gateway with the latest firmware > no problem
  • Connected in Z3.0 mode (no fw change) > the switch can only turn the light ON but can’t anymore turn it OFF
  • Re-connection to the Legrand gateway > same problem as in Z.30 mode, so the switch can’t be correctly used. Other configurable features of the switch via Home + Control app are OK

Am I right ?

And yes, if it can send me the serial number and a video of the behavior (support teams loves it :D) it would be great


Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie

I would only correct one thing, the switch doesn’t do anything apparently. Once i connect it and give power back to the lights in my house the light is automatically turned on without me pressing the switch.

The rest is accurate,  the switch was working properly on Legrand Gateway, once I switched it to Zigbee this behaviour appeared and now even when connected to the Legrand Gateway the standard on or off is not restored.

The rest works properly.

Serial is: 00:04:74:00:00:b7:32:4f

I’ve attached a video too.

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Hello Nicolas,

Well understood, and thanks for all the information. I updated the internal ticket

I warn you once I have a feedback from the teams

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi again,

I had a fast answer from the teams (support + devs)

For them the hypothesis of a software issue is probably not the correct one, as it’s normally not possible that an association from Legrand gateway <> ZigBee 3.0 network affects the way the device must act. Also, we see the switch as correctly associated on our side

For them it is more likely that IGBT are in short circuit (because of the output current generated by the load)

What they suggest to try :

  • check that the device is correctly wired
  • cut off the general power and restore it. It will eliminate the possibility that the network changes put the device in a “weird” mode
  • re-do the same test with the second NLFN device from your installation (before trying that, can you tell me the exact load that will be linked to the switch ?)


Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie

1 – I’ve tested this and even called a certified electrician to check it, he has confirmed everything is correct and tested it with the multimeter. In any case i’ve connected the switch in different locations where other K4412CM2 are working properly, the problem persists.

2 – Done, still same behaviour

3 – I’m afraid of doing the test again. I’ve gotten a new K4411C that’s connected currently to the Legrand gateway and working properly, but again the previous one and the K4412CM2 were working properly too until I tried to move them to the Zigbee network. The load is probably less than 50/60 W, it’s controlling a led strip of 2mts long approx.

The serial nr of the K4411C that’s currently connected in the problematic place is 00:04:74:00:01:5a:7e:d5, not sure if this is useful.

Hello Nicolas,

The teams are thinking about an electronic problem on the device, they don’t see an other explanation for the behavior

The best would be to contact on your side the Spanish customer support :

Please ask them :

  • how to send back the product in order to be analyzed on our side
  • to send you a replacement device

You can tell them that it was asked by Leslie from the Works with Legrand forum and Eric from EI SBU at Limoges

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie

I’ve called them and they tell me they are not aware of any procedure in which they can do something like this and that I should call my provider (I don’t know who it was).

I’ve insisted a couple of times and got the same answer. Is there any other contact that I can use? I believe that the SAT people don’t even try to understand the problem or who’s asking for it, as I’ve told them who was requesting it as well and the reply was that they don’t know who I’m talking about either.

Hello Nicolas,

Yes, maybe it’s not in their process …

Can you send me your address + phone number via the contact form ? I’ll ask one of my colleagues in contact with them to do what is needed

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

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