Legrand with Netatmo
Newbie question, I have project to communicate with Legrand with Netatmo.
I understand that the API to use is the Home + Control API.
This API refers Always to a plantid. But I don’t see a way to add a plant or declare a plant via the API.
Can you give me some hint?
Many thanks
The plantId is a unique identifier. To find the plantId of your installation you have to follow these steps (having a real installation with functional products is mandatory) :
– Sign up with your Works with Legrand account. You must have subscribed to the Starter Kit
– Go to this URL : https://portal.developer.legrand.com/docs/services/59e9ad7f8bda9e0b3caea28c/operations/getusersplants/console
– In Authorization section, choose” OAuth Server for Try it Eliot API”. If you are logged in, other information are already filled up
A popup will be opened. Fill the information and validate
Click on “Send” button and retrieve the ID of the plant in the Response content
Hoping it helped you,
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
Hi HerverB and Leslie
Thank you for above question and explanation. I would like to continue this issue. Following Leslie ‘s instruction , I received respond OK but I don’t know where Plant’id, in below:
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Set-Cookie: TiPMix=83.9322169236523; path=/; HttpOnly; Domain=cwn-website-prod.azurewebsites.net; Max-Age=3600,x-ms-routing-name=self; path=/; HttpOnly; Domain=cwn-website-prod.azurewebsites.net; Max-Age=3600,ARRAffinity=a0ba9f26d8e723cd54211a5eb014c949e8d709a7388144cc83c2c72dad7cfe29;Path=/;HttpOnly;Domain=cwn-website-prod.azurewebsites.net
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:17d898fc-adbd-487e-96a4-c4287796f34d
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Request-Context
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 17:37:48 GMT
Content-Length: 13
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Expires: -1
“plants”: []
One more question, I had Arteor Netatmo product, How can I link APIs to Home+Control App?
Best regards
Hi Tuan,
Can you please send me via the contact form the request you send for your plantId ?
I’m not sure to well understand your second question. Celiane, Dooxie, Arteor … with Netatmo are all working with Home + Control API (the difference is only the design of the plugs and switches). What do you mean by “link APIs to Home + Control app” ?
We can talk about it too via the contact form 😉
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
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