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Lighting switch response speed too slow



We use the latest ”Netatmo Connect” API and followed all requirements to integrate Bticino Zigbee Gatway and switch modules (LIVING NOW) with our home automation system and app, we are basically completed it but just still having the issue of the response speed is always too slow.


The issue is that each time it has to be waited approximately 2 seconds to see the lighting switch would change its state (i.e. ON<>OFF) physically after command codes sent out whatever from our App or from the operation systems (e.g. Windows or Linux), but it is always very fast by using Legrand’s own app (the “Control” app), and when we use the “POSTMAN” software to test with the same command, the speed is also very fast.


Another question is that we didn’t find from the ”Netatmo Connect” API, the “Webhook” is required to be used for the “Home+ Control” category, is it the optional or a must? and to be able to increase the operation speed in overall as descripted above?


Please kindly help us and give any suggestions for improving the speed or if there’s anything we missed.


Looking forward to hear from you soon!


Thanks and best regards,


Charles Lai


  • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Lai Charles.

Hello Charles,

APIs calls via Home + Control app, Postman, “Try-It” tool or a third-party application follow exactly the same rules (same endpoints, …). So, there is no objective reason for your call to be slower when launching a status change via your system

The only advice I can give you on that subject is to see if you don’t perform a kind of request (a check or other thing) before sending the status change request to Netatmo’s server, which would cause this delay

Concerning webhooks, Netatmo doesn’t provide them for Home + Control API. It’s only for some Security devices (Home + Security API)

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie,


Thank you so much for the clarification and professional suggestions! We have talked to our supplier with your comments and found out that this is caused by this third party app is using/followed by HTTP 1.0 specification thus cause the delays.


We are now started to make a new driver, thank you again for the help!



Charles Lai

General Manager


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