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OpenWebNet Energy Management devce list


I would like to know if there is a Open Web Net frame for having Energy Management device’s list on the entire system, es.  F521, F522 or F523.

Something like *#1*0##  for light, but for Energy Management.



  • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Filippo.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Filippo.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Filippo.

good question, currently i need to do a cicle till X (eg 20) checking the response

are you able to read from F522? how? thanks

I’m interested on this, too !!
I have F521 and three F522.

These should be the OWN commands to check devices status:

F522 num.1
Q: *#18*71#0*71##===
A: *#18*71#0*71*0*0*1*0*0*1##===
F522 num.2
Q: *#18*72#0*71##===
A: *#18*72#0*71*0*0*1*0*0*1##===
F522 num.3
Q: *#18*73#0*71##===
A: *#18*73#0*71*0*0*1*0*0*1##===

Hope this helps you.
I’d like to know, instead, if these devices transmit their status on the bus when status changes.


i agree, i’m using the same command.

can i read daily, monthly ecc with 522 as i’m doing with 521?


I never did it.
I collect instant value from F521 in a db (InfluxDB on Raspberry Pi)..

How do you do with F521 ?

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Alessandro.

to summarize the thread:
1. It seems that there is no frame for having Energy Management device’s list, we need to make a loop on all devices of type 18, from 1 to 255. I would like to have confirmation from Bticino / Legrand about the absence of a discovery / broadcast frame on Energy Management devices.

*#WHO*WHERE*DIMENSION## The dimension table is on page 5 of “Energy Management Functions” specifications

*#18*51*71## = Energy Management * 5n [ n from 1 to 255 ] * Actuator info

2.for F522 e F523 the frame for status is:
*#18*71#0*71## = Energy Management * 7n#0 [ n from 1 to 255 ] * Actuators info

3. F521 and F522 have log so for collect them, for ex. on the first(1) F521
*#18*51*113## Actual/Current power
*#18*51*53## Partial totalizer for current day
*#18*51*53## Partial totalizer for current month
*#18*51*52#20#08## Total watt for month August 2020


the problem is that also for other things there is no way to detect the device, eg Scenario.

also here i’m doing a loop.

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