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Partial shutter opening API command


we are using Home + Control API to pilot devices.

Shutter full opening and full close is working ok, but it doesn’t work when sending a content like this to set a partial opening :
{ "ids": [ "string" ], "level": 50 }

The post request URL is{plantId}/modules/parameter/id/value/{moduleId}

Is it supported ?

Best regards


Unfortunately it is not possible to set a partial opening level on rolling shutters.
The “level” is used for defining a light variation of a lamp for example.

Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager

It’s possible to set a value to stop a shutter?

Best regards

Hello Gabriele,

If you are talking about a value to stop a shutter at a defined level (example : 50 for the middle), it is not possible.
Otherwise, I think you can set 0 or 100 for total opening or total closing.

Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager


We don’t want to stop at a specific level.
But we want to know if there is a command to stop the shutter when it’s moving ?

For example “level” : “-1” or any stop command.

It’s possible ?

Many thanks


You had the good answer 😉
Sending the value “-1” should stop a moving shutter

Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager

Thanks for your answers.

the “-1” has been tested successfully.

Yes it work ! Thank you

I make a mistake on my test … but it work fine with -1

Best regards

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