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Smarther API v2 error deleting c2c subscription

Hi there, it seems the Delete Subscription feature is currently not working as expected.

Calling it with a valid plantId and subscriptionId (got via a Get Subscriptions call) always returns http 500 internal server error.

Tested both via Smarther API test page here on Legrand dev portal and via bash script, on different days and timeframes > same http 500 error.

Could you please check the service ?



I don’t think that the “Try It” works for C2C creation/deletion

We had several Azure alerts on Saturday. They ended Sunday at 7AM. That should have caused the 500 errors

Can you please tell me if it is now working ? Oherwise I’ll ask the Cloud developers to investigate

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hello Leslie,

Few minutes ago I successfully managed to create a new C2C subscription via the “Try it” feature – logged in, specified my plantId and a proper https URL, received http 201 – Created.

Thus, I believe the Delete C2C Subscription “must” work as well via the “Try it” feature.

However, I’ve then tried – via API call – to Delete both that newly created Subscription and, again, the one at the beginning of this post > still received http 500 in both cases.

Please ask your Cloud Dev to have a look at that, thanks.

Should the need more details, just let me know here.


Hi there, any progress on this issue ?

Retried just now, the Delete C2C Subscription service is still not working (http 500).




I had a feedback from the teams : I can confirm that the issue is server-side

They corrected it in PreProduction environment and are making last tests before sending it in Production

They warn me when it’s done, then I warn you 😉

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Great, thanks!


Hi, any hints on when this fix will be pushed to Production ?



The deployment in Production was planned for yesterday. But facing the health situation in France and Italy, it’s not possible for us for the moment to do it

Following the evolution of the situation, we will push it as soon as possible


Hoping you can understand,

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Sure Leslie, thanks for the update.


  • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Mr_Ronfo.

Hi, tested today and noted that the function is back again and working fine.

I suppose you can mark this as resolved 🙂



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