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Smarther Gateway Offline


Hi Leslie, I have been trying to use the “Get Chronothermostat Status” API for a few days but I always get the error from the server: {“statusCode”: “404”, “message”: “Gateway Offline”} I have 2 other smarthers that work instead. You can do something?

  • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Danye.

Hi Danye,

Everything seems to work fine on my side via Try-It and Postman

Are you sure that this Smarther is working ? Do you retrieve its information or can you send commands to it via Thermostat application ? (example : a Boost mode)

If yes, I advise you to reboot it and to try again. If no, I’ll need to investigate more

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

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