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ZigBee 3.0 compatibility?

Hi, perhaps a very quick yes/no question, but hopefully there’s more to it than that….
Is it in any way possible to add (pair) an arbitrary ZigBee 3.0 device the Legrand Valena Home+Control network?  Let’s begin with something simple; Smart Lights.
I know that Ledvance and Phillips Hue is listed as compatible, but what about IKEA devices?  IKEA’s devices are widely acceptable, available world wide, low cost, high quality – can they be used?  If not, where is the limitation? Is it technical difficulties or is it just a business decision?

(hoping for a Yes) 😊

Hello Oyvind,

All Z3.0 devices can’t be linked to the Legrand Gateway. For example : a switch from another brand. The only possible thing is to link Z3.0 devices (Legrand and from other brands) to a third-party Z3.0 compatible hub. But of course, you will loose the possibility to manage Legrand devices via Home + Control app in this case

Concerning Z3.0 lights – as we are not a lighting manufacturer – we try to make it work in the Legrand network and Home + Control app for the majority of them. It’s a bit difficult because of the differences of lights behavior between the different manufacturers

We did some tests on Ikea Z3.0 lights :

Ikea Tradfri LED1736G9 Seems OK but possible integration problems
Ikea LED16223G12 Seems OK but possible integration problems
Ikea LED1624G9 OK
Ikea Tradfri LED1732G11 OK
Ikea Tradfri LED1925G6 OK
Ikea Driver LED Tradfri 50356187 NOK


Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Many thanks for your reply, Leslie.

If I wanted to test some IKEA lights – how do I do that? By selecting Ledvance, or by selecting Phillips Hue?

I haven’t found any other possible options in the Home + Control App.


Hi again,

In Home + Control app when you go in the Zigbee 3.0 “Other devices” section, you’ll just have to click on the “Connected lighting” section and it will launch the association process. Ledvance and Phillips are just brand examples

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

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