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Ability to stop shutters with an opposite click on the other direction


the current way of stopping the Shutter by clicking in the middle (which clicks both up and down) is quite finicky and sometimes does not work properly for some of my switches. is there a way to stop the movement of the shutter by just clicking on the other direction or clicking again on the same direction? I think this should be configurable


thank you

Hello Elkabetz,

This behavior is managed by the firmware and is the same for all our shutter switch devices. I can report to the marketing your remark but I doubt that it’s planned to change it

The only way to custom the behavior is to use the switch in ZigBee 3.0 mode, but it requires to modify the behavior of the firmware on your side, unlink the firmware from the Legrand gateway and integrate it to a ZigBee 3.0 hub (documentation here : And the management via Home + Control app is not possible anymore as it’s not linked to our gateway

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

HI Leslie,

just wanted to point that since NLL version 60 the shuttres now can be stopped by clicking on any button.

this is great!

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