Can’t see deviceID and plant
I have a classe 100 X16E and an account created on my iPhone. But the account settings don’t work, I can’t see my id and plant. What can I do. There is a screenshot to show what happens in the app.
We currently have an ongoing issue with User account management
You can check here if it’s resolved :
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
Do you still have the page of your screenshot with infinite loaders ? If it’s still the case, please send me via contact form the email address of your end-user account, I’ll try to see in database configuration if something is wrong
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
Update : we still have an issue with it … teams are working on a fix
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
the account is working now. But one more question:
Where can I see my plant and device ID?
To find the plantId and moduleId
- Sign up with your Works with Legrand account. You must have subscribed to the Starter Kit
- Go on the “API” drop down menu, click on “APIS LIST” and choose the Smarther API or Home + Control API
- On the left, click on “GET Plants” for the Smarther or “GET Get users’ plants” for Home + Control. Then go in the “Try it”
- In Authorization section, choose “Authorization code” for ELIOT – Azure AD B2C – OpenID Connect for the Smarther or OAuth Server for Try it Eliot API for Home + Control. If you are logged in, other information are already filled up
- A popup will be opened. Fill the information with your end-user account and validate
- Click on “Send” button and retrieve the ID of the plant in the Response content
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
Hi All,
I’m trying to setup a app/cfg to integrate my brand-new Smarther V2 device into Home Assistant.
I follow all tutorial and some tips to create a App using Legrand subscription (Starter Kit) but I found out that I cannot “see” any Plant to match my home device installation.
Using the procedure described above (and in FAQ as well) I get just a Plant [] void response.
This make me not able to complete the integration.
Also, and I don’t know if the issue is the same, I cannot “see” any device from my IFTTT connection.
what I can do ?
Hello Max,
The Works with Legrand API is only for the v1 of the Smarther. For Smarther with Netatmo, it will be on Netatmo’s side :
A more specific documentation for Smarther(2) with Netatmo will be soon available
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
Thanks Leslie for reply !
this means that all Home Assistant integrations that use (or want to) Legrand Subscription/API cannot work.
And the IFTTT issue (I cannot see any devices to control, at all) is the same ? I mean : Smather with Netatmo (v2) is not supported/integrate with IFTTT ?
Is there any method to achieve Home Assistant integration with Smarther with Netatmo devices ?
… and IFTTT ?
Thanks again,
As it’s technically a Netatmo device, indeed WWL API and authentication system will not work for it
Concerning IFTTT, this device is not integrated and as far as I know, it’s not planned to do it
For Home Assistant, as it’s a third-party service we are not involved in their development and implementation. I saw people talked about it on their forum but it doesn’t seem to be integrated
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
I’m using “try it” for Home + COntrol API “GET all User Plants”.
plants array is empty. Naturally home+control email and “works with legrand account” email are the same.
In Home+control I’m seeing my plant and topology…..
Can you help me?
Hello, I need your help because I am an old user of the Netatmo APIs, I wanted to resume my account to use the legrand APIs but nothing works, I finally created an account on with the mail email but I can't see my plantID. j'ai tenté avec un nouveau compte depuis mais avec ce nouveau compte je n'arrive pas a me connecter sur home+control. Can you help me or give me the correct procedure please? Thx !
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