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Compatibility with iDiamant with Netatmo


Are the APIs Home + Control compatible with the Bubendorff roller shutter via the iDiamant with Netatmo module ?



Yes, the iDiamant with Netatmo works with the Home + Control API

Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager

Hi All,

I am not able to see Idiamant devices on my setup. An issue from my side ?


Hi Filipe,

You mean that you have a connected and configured iDiamant, but you don’t see it in your Home + Control application ?

If it’s the case, you need to contact the customer support of your country

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie,

No, the iDiamant is present on my Home + Control application and I am able to mange my shutters.
But I can’t retrieve any information about it on the API interface.




Hi Filipe,

Ok I better understand your question. You can retrieve information about each shutter individually by making a GET all plant’s module status request:

The iDiamant, so as the gateway, is not considered as an “independent” module

Here is the kind of info you will retrieve :

“reachable”: true,
“level”: 0,
“step”: 100,
“fw”: 22,
“sender”: {
“plant”: {
“module”: {
“id”: “000070ee503250456275XXXXXX”
}, {
“reachable”: true,
“level”: 0,
“step”: 100,
“fw”: null,
“sender”: {
“plant”: {
“module”: {
“id”: “000070ee50325045627562XXXXX”


Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie,

I have got it.

I found it in “automation”.

Thanks for your help.

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