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Difference between product reference


I was wondering what were the differences between some product references.

I will not use the Home + Control app nor the starter kit, but directly HomeAssistant via the zigbee connectivity.

* Connected outlet :

-> 067725 vs 067725A vs 199161

* Wired Light switch

-> 067721 vs 067721A vs 199162

-> 067722 vs 067722A vs 199168

* Wireless Light switch

-> 067724 vs 067724A vs 199169

* Shutter switch

-> 067726 vs 067726A


Those are the products I plan to use in my home.

Some reference are not easily buyable, so I was wondering the real differences, other than some non “A” do not come with the plate.



The new “A” references are indeed the same devices but without the decorative plate

Concerning the 199xxx references they are (normally) all replaced by 0677xx ones. It’s possible that some resellers still have in their stocks and sell the “old” versions

The difference stands in hardware evolutions to make devices more efficient. But they work the same way and share the same firmware and features. “old” or “new” references are usable exactly in the same way in a ZigBee network, and so, in Home Asssistant

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager


Thanks for the quick response.

If the 199xxx are replaced by 0677xx, there’s an error on the website.

For instance, here :, a 0677xx reference, it says “product deleted, replaced by 199xx”.


But that’s not a concern, I am currently runing tests with on outlet, a 0677xx non “A”, and everything is working as intended.


But for the shutter switch, 067726 vs 067726A, I’ve read somewhere that only the “A” support level detection.

Is the non A flashable to support it as well ?


Hi again,

That’s why I said “normally” :D. I’ll try to ask to my marketing colleagues how the references change exactly worked or if it’s an error

For 067726 and 067726A they both support level detection but it’s a bit different :

  • 067726A natively support it following a hardware change (cloud type NLLV)
  • 067726 benefited a few months ago from a software change to make level detection possible via a configuration mode in the Home + Control app (cloud type NLV)

For a “classic” installation via the Gateway it’s not a problem. But indeed in your case if I was you I would use 067726A in order to be sure the zigbee clusters are OK with level management

As I’m more into software, in any case if you’re not sure about a reference to buy the best is to ask the Customer Support of your country

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Thank you very much for your quick responses.

And indeed, the “A” version is the one to go for me !

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