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Direct local API access to FC80GT


It is possible to directly control/access via API to the local IP of the FC80GT Zigbee Gateway so that I can check status of connected switches/relays or change their state? I know I can use the new Netatmo APIs, but those have access limits and I want to check for the state of relays as often as possible 🙂

Hello Peter,

We only have Cloud APIs, so it’s not possible to access the gateway locally. Also, Netatmo doesn’t have webhooks for Home + Control devices

This being said, calls limits are way higher on their side compared to the 500 calls of the Starter Kit on Works with Legrand. If you poll the /homestatus method (every 5 minutes for example) you will retrieve the state of every devices of your installation, so it should do the job

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hello Leslie,

Thanks for your answer! Yes, I’m aware of the higher limits of the Netatmo’s APIs. The thing is that I’m looking at sub 1 minute polls in order to get the status so it is correctly reflected if someone used a wireless switch to turn on/off a relay or it was done via the Home+Control app.

Having a webhook would probably do the job, so if you could relay this as a feature request to the dev team, that would be awesome! 🙂


This is the issue I was alluding to in your previous discussion about trying to make a Homebridge plug-in. You won’t be able to overcome the delay in the Netatmo API; it makes using the devices very difficult in 3rd party integrations, and automations are pretty much impossible because of the delay.

If you connect directly to a 3rd party zigbee hub, you have many more control options. There are some downsides; the wireless devices are optimized for the Legrand gateway although they do work in 3rd party gateways. I have many wired Legrand devices on my Sonoff bridge in Home Assistant, and I’ve opted to use Hue mechanical switch modules in many areas while also paired to wireless dimmers in certain locations.

But I also have the option to change how my devices are displayed in HomeKit, and I have no-delay in controlling them, and FAR more automation options via home assistant.


I have tried using the Netatmo API in home assistant in conjunction with the netatmo gateway, and it was a very poor experience.

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