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Linking Home controle + app and API in developer account


I don’t seem to understand how t access my device.

I have devices linked to the Home Control + (on IOS). I have a developer account on, created an application, got a subscription, and I managed to get it working for one home a few months ago.

Now, I am trying to add more home, but I can’t find how to link them to my developer account, and being able to “get user plants” for example.

How is the relationship between those Home Control + and developer account ?


Hello Théophile,

If your different houses are configured on the same Home + Control account, you should be able to see their data in the same JSON while making a call (the link is “automatic”)

I have some questions :

  • Are the 2 houses configured on the same Home + Control account ?
  • Are you still able to see the first house you configured a few months ago ?
  • If no, are you sure your developer account is the same than the one you previously used ?
  • Did you well subscribed to Starter Kit ?

If it still doesn’t resolve your issue, I’ll investigate more

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager


Thanks for your quick answer.

How is the “automatic” link working exactly ?

If I want to use the API on an account that is not mine, how is it working ? The owner has to share the access ?


I mean “automatic” in the way that : if you have several houses declared in Home + Control app, you will retrieve all those houses via the same API call (as GET plant’s topology for example)

In H+C application you have a link “Manage my guest”. If you are invited to someone’s else house, you can use the API in the same way. Otherwise, you can’t have access to other houses

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Okay, that what we have done already, my email address is in the “manage my guest”, I have accepted the invitation, and yet, I don’t see them in the API call. What could be the problem ?


Can you please copy/paste the call you send ?

And also copy/paste the JSON response ?

Thanks and have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Here is the curl request :

curl -v GET HTTP/1.1 -H “Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: thehashcodeofmyKey” -H “Authorization: Bearer My_access_token

Here is the json response :

{“plants”:[{“id”:”000000005e4e9a2f5eb8d19fdb0490a8″,”name”:”Boulevard Alfred Wallach”,”country”:”FR”}]}

I am only seeing for this home, and not the other homes. Need any more information ?

Ok your request is correct and you retrieve a JSON, so it’s not an issue with it

Click on the menu button on the top left corner and on the arrow next to your home’s name : can you see your 2 houses in your Home + Control application, like in the following screenshot ?


If you can’t see both of them, I’ll have to investigate more

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager


When I log into my account (loneept[at]gmail[dot]com), I can see only one home, wich is not the one that I get in the API.

When I log into the owner’s account, I can see that the sharing is enabled for my address on both homes. What could be the problem ?

Even weirder, when I login through web, at this address :

I have only one home, and it is the one that I get in the API.


When I log into the app Home control +, I see only the other one. But the thing is, I don’t even have the same password between those 2 ways to authenticate.

Well, that’s the thing … When I log into my address, I see only one home. And this is not the home that I get in the API.

When I log into the owner of the home account, we can see that both home have the same sharing to my email address ( :"123022701_418972912834756_3588554290515582759_n"


And same with the other one (wich I see in the API, but not when I log into my account) : "122770588_1056245714801933_1518234301394872707_n"


When I log into my account (, I can see only one home, wich is not the one that I get in the API.

When I log into the owner’s account, you can see that the sharing is enabled for my address on both homes :


Hello Théophile,

To sum up (tell me if I misunderstood) : you want to have access to 2 homes via the same Home + Control account (loneept[at]gmail[dot]com) but you see only 1 home. Via the API, you have access to an other home than the one you see in your application

What you can do : ask to the other home owner to revoke your access to the home (the home you don’t see in H+C app). Then, ask him to redo the invitation process. You will receive an email to link its home to your account. Then, you will see in your application the 2 homes via the menu

Once done, try to do a new API call to GET plant’s topology. You should now see the 2 homes and their ID


Hoping it will fix your issue,

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hello Théophile,

I discussed your case with a Netatmo developer this morning

Your issue could come from the fact that we merged Legrand/Netatmo accounts. It’s possible that you have a Legrand account and the other owner a Legrand/Netatmo account

There is a procedure to follow in this case :

  • Go in Home + Control application and then in the menu
  • Go to “My account” and then on “Third-party applications”. Click on the link at the bottom “I can’t install a third-party application”
  • Finally, follow the indicated process

It’s maybe the solution to your issue

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

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