List of Apis available per device
A Legrand’s sales representative told me that “Dooxie with Netatmo”and “Celiane with Netatmo” plugs can be controled with the same Home + Control.
How can I know which API is available for what device please (so far I’m focused on the Home + Control Apis/devices) ?
Thanks a lot,
Hello Nicolas,
All the products of the range “… with Netatmo” are manageable with the Home + Control API (Dooxie, Celiane, Arteor, …). Only the design of the device is different
You can check a list at the bottom of this product page
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
Thank you Leslie.
On we can see all the APIs available, and we have to guess for each one :
– if it works with the specific device I want to connect
– with which devices it will work
–> Is there a mapping/ list of all APIs available for each device of the “… with Netamo” range ?
We don’t have a list but all available APIs names correspond to the name of the product :
Classe 300X13E = Connected Classe 300X
Smarther – v2.0 = Smarther
Excepted for Home + Control API which is the name of the application to manage “… with Netatmo” products
All the products of the range “… with Netatmo” are manageable only with Home + Control API
Hoping it’s more clear for you,
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
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