Multisocket Plant API test not working
Hello, i’m tring to get plantId using “try It” in API list in the Authorization section i choose “Authorization code” option and provided primary subscription key (subscribed for starter kit). When i Send the request always get “401 Unauthorized”.
I got same error using my sencondary subscription key .
Please let me know how to fix this issue
You should not be connected to your Works with Legrand account
Please sign-in before ( and then go on the “Try it” of the API to make a GetPlant request
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
Do I need my socket configured to the developer account? My developer account and user account are different. When I login to developer account (as you suggested above) and try the API, I still get the error. It automatically uses my developer credentials for oAuth. The device I am trying to control is a Legrand-On-Q Smart Plug Outlet Switch and I am trying ‘GetPlants’ API under ‘Multisocket’.
Legrand-On-Q Smart Plug Outlet Switch is dedicated to North America market and can’t be used with Works with Legrand APIs
The Multisocket API aims to the management of this product :
Please contact Legrand North America support for information or help concerning the use of this product
Have a good day,
Leslie – Community Manager
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