MyHomeserver1 and 3rd party integration
Hi all, I’m quite newbie on this forum, so please apologies in advance for any possible “gaffe”.
This is my first post after +5y (in the past I was quite active on the myOpen community forum). I’m not professional but passionate
I own a 10y old myhome plants with F454 as gateway (lights, shutters, energy, IR splits, sensors and burglar alarm), and I use Nodered on raspberry PI which works fine with F454. With this, I’ve integrated bTicino with Hue, Shelly, Sonoff, Control4, Alexa and others 3rd party devices, finally decommissioning MH200N
Now, I got a brand new MHS1 and making some test in order to see If i can update my old bTicino gateway.
My NR app does not implement HVAC password authentication with MHS1. Question: Is there anyway to configure MHS1 accepting connections from an authorized Ip address range (white list) as in the previous (F453AV, F454 or MH200N? If so, how can I set up giving that MHS1 (to best of my “poor” knowledge) has no webgui and with MyHomeUp none of this option is available.
Before posting this request, I’ve been searching for a while on the forum and I haven’t found nothing useful (assuming I’ve correctly searched). Should I have done something wrong, please apologies and drive me to the right answer.
Thank you in advance
Hi mate,
Did you solve this?
I am in the same situation. I would need to add an IP address to this kind of “white list”.
How this can be done on the MyHome Server1?
Thank you.
Myhomeserver1 isn’t official openwebnet server as F454 and some other BTicino hardware.
This is the reason because you haven’t “Range IP” to enable not autenticated connections.
Myhomeserver1 has only HMAC autentication, and this will be removed also from new hardware version of Myhomeserver1
ah, I got my answer by searching through the net …
a pair of new servers are coming, seemingly called F460 and F461 (no info yet on the difference between those two), along with a new F422A (scs-scs bridge) and F429D (dali dimmer) and F429G (dali gateway)
With F460 will be able to integrate with coolmaster and use BTI-KG4691 to control VRF indoor units?
so, I have some experience now.
the F460 will do Alexa, google and others integration, but doesn’t accept openwebnet connexions
the F461 does openwebnet connections (with HMAC password), but doesn’t support alexa, google and others
two options:
1) an openwebnet proxy that allows goes in between your two devices, offering unauthenticated openwebnet connections and doing the authentication to the gateway
2) run homeassistant to integrate it all
In case of F461, do you know if it possible to integrate it with ELAN/NICE home control? I’ve been looking for a native drive but none of dealers know about it! Do you have using it with witch system?
Hi Raphael,
In a stand alone system, working with F460, according to Legrand website, it need to use “Driver Manager”F459, but I can not find any information about it! Have you ever used?
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