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OpenWebNet commands for MH202 scenarios?

With the MH200N, executing scenarios from an OWN command was as simple as typing:


That ran the number #1 scenario on the MH200N.

With the MH202 that is not working. Any ideas why? am I getting something wrong?


Riesumo questo vecchio post: qualcuno ha una risposta in merito?

Ho sentito poco fa l’assistenza tecnica telefonica di Bticino e mi han confermato che “in teoria” dovrebbe funzionare il WHO=17 inserendo nel where il numero id dello scenario…

Anche a me però non funziona…..


I am re-posting this old post: does anyone have an answer on this?

I had a phone call with Bticino tech support and they confirmed that “in theory” WHO=17 should work, and entering the scenario id number in the “where”…

However, it doesn’t work for me either…..

according to the documentation available it should work the same (you may need a different WHERE value though).

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