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webhook delay

hello, i am receiving the webhook data of my smarther thermostats with considerable delay and my automations cannot be used in this way. Can you please solve?

thank you.

Hi Danye,

Could you please give me more information ?

  • When did the delay issue begun ?
  • How many delay (more or less) do you have between the action and the info retrieved in webhook ?


Leslie – Community Manager

the problem I have noticed since yesterday. I get the information about 40 minutes late.
thank you


I tested on my side, I correctly retrieve webhook data without delay

Does it arrive with all information changes (example : if you set a boost mode do you also have a long delay) ? If it’s arrive with all changes, it’s more probable in my opinion that you have an issue with your webhook endpoint

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Thanks Leslie but I can tell you that I am part of an Italian group on telegram that studies and has set up more than one system that interfaces the smarther with home assistant. Everyone complains about webhook data delays not just me. Unfortunately the legrand bee system is not very reliable and if you wanted it would be nice and useful for everyone to have you with us in the group to exchange information in real time!

thank you.


Unfortunately, it will be difficult for me to join this group

I’ll ask my Italian colleagues if they see something abnormal in logs and if – for some reason – it could only impact Italian users

Also, can you please tell me if all those users are using Home Assistant ?

Meanwhile, if you can be a kind of spokesperson and provide me with some information (logs, specific issue cases, …) of other users, it could be useful for us

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

hello, i confirm that i had the same massive delay receiving notifications in the same period you reported it, and i’m also using Smarther webhooks from Italy.

it seems to be a problem on legrand side, since it’s now working correctly since 2 weeks, no delays, and i didn’t change anything in my configuration.

it’s still curious that we are both italian and experienced the same issue while others apparently weren’t.

Hi AZ,

We didn’t change anything on our side either. Maybe a temporary issue not directly linked to us (slow DNS, Azure issue in Italy, … ?). It could explain why I didn’t receive complaints from other countries

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager




unfortunately there are still problems of this type from today, can you please find the cause and adopt a definitive solution?
Thank you.


I also confirm the enormous delay in receiving notifications and the non-updating of the sensor status!
I am also in Italy.
It is not possible to use the smarther with third-party applications and to automate some procedures.

Hello everybody,

We think that your issues are due to a webhook ban. Here are the rules :

If your endpoint doesn’t respond in less than 750ms or respond a code >= 300, we increment it to a failure counter

After 20 failures, we count 1 error for your endpoint and ban it for a total of minutes calculated as following : 1 minute * set of 20 failures (i.e. : 200 failures = 10 minutes ban)

The maximum ban time is 20 minutes. All webhook changes that happened during this ban are lost and will not be sent

I also have now access to a list of banned endpoints during the last 24 hours. If you think that your endpoint can be impacted, please give me your webhook URL here or via the contact form and I’ll check

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Good evening,
the problems of receiving calls continue to persist.

It is impossible to use this service if you don’t solve.


Hello Marco,

As I said in my previous message, your endpoint is maybe banned because of the rules

If you send me your webhook URL, I’ll be able to check if it’s the case. Otherwise, I’ll ask the teams to keep on investigating

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Leslie, we all have problems in the same time frame. At the time of writing, there are significant delays. I am sending you my endpoint privately.


Hi Leslie,

from this morning at 08.34 no more calls from legrand.

Many Italian friends are in the same situation as me.

Could you please check and inform us about what happened?
Why are blockages so frequent?

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