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webhook delay

hello, i am receiving the webhook data of my smarther thermostats with considerable delay and my automations cannot be used in this way. Can you please solve?

thank you.

Hi Marco,

I reported your issue to our developers, it was indeed a misconfiguration on our side

We corrected it and added an alert on our side for this kind of issue

Thanks and have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

hi leslie, as you can see below the webhook data arrive are n considerable delay. you can do something?

{“data”: {“chronothermostats”: [{“function”: “HEATING”, “hygrometer”: {“measures”: [{“timeStamp”: “2021-01-12T11:43:21+00:00”, “unit”: “%”, “value”: “67.9”}}, “loadState”: “ACTIVE”, “mode”: “AUTOMATIC”, “online”: true, “programs”: {“number”: “1”}, “receiver”: {“oid”: “6781d753-c3ed-451e-8ca7-cd97893b8bf7”}, “sender”: {“addressType”: “AddressLocation”, “plant”: {“id”: “38306d7f-48c4-fd1c-e053-27182d0a3f63”, “module”: {“id”: “d43c6d7f-98e7-251f-e053-27182d0af645”}}, “system”: “thermoregulation”}, “setPoint”: {“unit”: “C”, “value”: “22.00000”}, “temperatureFormat”: “C”, “thermometer”: {“measures”: {“timeStamp”: “2021-01-12T11:43:21+00:00”, “unit”: “C”, “value”: “18.2”}}, “time”: “2021-01-12T11:04:37+00:00”}]}, “eventTime”: “2021-01-12T11:43:21.4876029+00:00”, “eventType”: “DeviceToCloud”, “id”: “ac2605ca-4710-4e31-b9cc-a156defbf480”, “subject”: “///bscloud38306d7f-48c4-fd1c-e053-27182d0a3f63//”, “subjectElements”: {“plantId”: “bscloud38306d7f-48c4-fd1c-e053-27182d0a3f63”}}]


Hi Danye,

Can you please send me your webhook url via the contact form ? I’ll then be able to investigate and warn teams

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Thanks Leslie. I have sent my address

Hi Leslie,
I’m Andrea Mattioli, the developer of the BTICINO X8000 addon for home assistant.
For several days the webhoks arrive with wrong data or rather they are old.
The webhok’s time stamp does not match with the arrival time of the server.
Unfortunately many people are getting angry about this situation, I explaining it is the only way to receive the data, otherwise with only 500calls per day you cannot manage your system at will but with many limitations.
Please let us solve the problem soon.

The graph indicates the delay in seconds of the data contained in the received webhook. It is huge! We at least need more api 500 calls are not enough!"Screenshot_20210114-090032"

Leslie this system is a disaster, it has continuous disservices, the thermostats are unusable and unreliable.
With 8 thermostats I can’t manage everything via call because 500 are very few …

Good morning,
webhooks have been arriving more than 45 minutes late for several days, it is impossible to manage the thermostat in this way.
If the webhook system is untrustworthy, give the option to use more than 500 APIs per day!

Hello everybody,

To keep you informed : I forwarded your messages to the developer’s team for Smarther. I’m waiting for their feedback

Daniele, I checked what I could see with your endpoint : data seems to be correctly processed (96% of requests < 250ms, 99% < 500ms). But I can’t see much more on my side about the delay, I also asked the teams to take a look at it

Concerning the 500 calls limitation of the Starter Kit, it’s still not planned to add more quota for the moment. But I warned the API Manager about your requests

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Thanks Leslie, as you can see from the json payload I sent you above it is clearly indicated that there is a lot of time between the data sent -> “time”: “2021-01-12T11:04:37+00:00” and the time of sending -> “eventTime”: “2021-01-12T11:43:21.4876029+00:00
The problem is all there

Hi Leslie,
since you can’t fix the problems and you can’t increase the calls, can you tell me how to manage 7 thermostats to integrate them into the Home Assistant home automation?
Webooks have too long delays to be considered a solution, they are only okay between 11pm and 6am when no one uses thermostats.
The calls are too few.
I can’t create an account for each thermostat because then I can’t manage them from the official app.
Is it possible to flash the firmware of the smarther netatmo on the first generation smarther?
Surely there will be no such problems with Netatmo ..

Hi Roberto,

  • Is it possible to flash the firmware of the smarther netatmo on the first generation smarther? <= Smarther with Netatmo is a new solution which is technically based on a different architecture. So, it will not possible to use a firmware from a Smarther with Netatmo on a Bticino Smarther
  • Can you tell me how to manage 7 thermostats to integrate them into the Home Assistant home automation? <= They are existing plugins to manage Smarther via Home Assistant. Here is one of them :
  • Webooks have too long delays to be considered a solution <= Smarther team is investigating to find the root cause for this issue. I’m waiting for their feedback and I’ll tell you as soon as I know more

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hello everybody,

The cause is found : as more and more Smarther are using our webhooks, our servers put messages in queue and send them with a huge delay. A scale-up of server resources has been put in place as a temporary solution to fix it

On longer-term, it was decided to proceed to a refactoring of Smarther webhook component in order to improve the quality of service

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie,
I am already managing them with home assistant as Sdomotica does, however with webooks so slow and with so few calls I can’t manage 7 together with good results.
What is the timing for the refactoring of the webook component?
Thanks, Roberto.


I don’t have a timing, but as it’s a big work I don’t expect it to be ready before some months. Meanwhile, you should see an improvement of webhooks response delay with the scale-up put in place recently

Have a good day,

Leslie – Comminity Manager

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