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wireless device OTA


I am aware of the process described on this forum to force a firmware update on the wireless devices, but I’ve had very limited success and I’m seeking an alternative method. I recently purchased 30 legrand wireless dimmer switches and have spent countless hours over the last week trying to force an OTA to each switch, but only two switches have been successful, so at that rate it will take me months. There has to be a better more consistent method to push an OTA to the wireless devices. Please help me with getting these switches updated.


Hello Steven,

Normally, the OTA update takes up to 48 hours maximum. It must of course be linked to the Legrand gateway via Home + Control application to update. There is a problem if it exceeds this period

I reported several times to developers this need. I ask them one more time if they have an other solution and I’ll tell you once I have more info

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

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