BNP Paribas Real Estate launched with Legrand the world’s first connected residence. Called “Issy Préférence”, this intelligent building is composed of several housing at Issy-les-Moulineaux, near Paris (France).

A unique innovation
In total, 60 cutting-edge technology apartments will be equipped with IoT devices. This close collaboration allows the residents to control, thanks to their voice or via an application, several connected devices. According to Olivier Bokobza, Executive Chief of the residential pole at BNP Paribas Real Estate: “We offer to our customers scalable, intuitive and useful everyday solutions”
Thanks to La Poste’s application “Le Hub Numerique”, a strong interoperability is possible between all kind of connected devices provided by Legrand or by other brands. Only one application is needed in order to pilot all the IoT devices of the house
Legrand provides many devices
For plugs and switches, the solution Celiane™ with Netatmo had been selected. Those devices allow the users to manage their lightning, rolling shutters and so on. Thanks to an application, they can program scenarios and monitor their real-time power consumption.
The connected Classe 300 is the video door entry proposed for all inhabitants. If somebody rings at the door, the user is able to see and hear directly on a smartphone or a tablet the person standing in front of the door, even far away from home. If it is someone he knows (his child or the babysitter for example), he can grant access just with a click

Energy savings
More than bringing some comfort to the users, the connected devices are used for the control of energy consumption. The connected plugs can be managed individually in order to be totally cut off between defined periods. Furthermore, using a connected thermostat can allow to gain on average 300€ per year for the heating
About BNP Paribas Real Estate
BNP Paribas Real Estate is the European leader in the commercial real estate market. It unravels the various market cycles and offer the most relevant analyses to respond to customer needs. Based on more than 50 years of real estate expertise, BNP Paribas Real Estate is present in 36 countries, mainly in Europe. Its daily mission is to anticipate economic, social and environmental changes to integrate the real estate of today into the city of the tomorrow. BNP Paribas Real Estate’s website
About La Poste
Wholly owned by public shareholders, La Poste is a limited company structured around five business units: Services-Mail-Parcels, La Banque Postale, La Poste Network, GeoPost, and Digital Services. The Group operates in 40 countries on 4 continents. La Poste’s 17,000 retail outlets make it France’s leading local business network, serving 1.6 millions customers every day. La Poste delivers 23.265 billions items worldwide per year (letters, printed advertising media and parcels), 6 days a week. In 2016, the Group generated €23.294 billions in revenues (22.4% out of France) and had more than 250,000 employees. Learn more about “Le Hub Numérique”