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Homekit is returining “Not Responding” to all Legrand accessories

For the last few days my homekit shows not responding for Legrand Accessories.

If I reset Legrand Gateway ( Reset WiFi and Homekit settings ) everything is back to normal for a few hours and then again not responding.

I reset everything ( Apple TV, Router, Gateways, iPhone)  but still this is happening.

Of course if I use Home+Control app everything is working as expected.

Any ideas what to do ?


Thank you

Hi Leslie,

Having the same problem as above. I don’t have an Apple HomeKit hub, so can’t say for that configuration, but every once in a while HomeKit says that all my Legrand devices are unresponsive. It usually works after I close and restart the HomeKit app, but sometimes can take longer.



Hi again Fred,

Thanks for the feedback, I would like to add a new internal ticket with your case for developers. Could you please send me via the contact form :

  • the email address of the Netatmo account where devices are
  • a screenshot of your HomeKit interface where we see the “Not responsive” error messages
  • if possible, a video in HomeKit where you browse in the configuration of your “Not responsive” devices. It will help us to compare the HomeKit configuration with the one we have in backoffice


Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie,

Contact form sent with screenshots + a video.

All devices are “unresponsive” in Homekit, though they work in Home+Control.



Hello, I think I have the same issue. Everything became not responsive in HomeKit but worked fine in Home + Control. So I tried removing and re-adding the bridge to HomeKit and now I can’t even add it to HomeKit. It gives and error and keeps trying to connect but no success. Tried both from the HomeKit app and from Home + Control using the guide. No success. There’s definitely a very serious bug. Please fix it ASAP. HomeKit is unusable for me at the moment. This is the second time I’ve had major issues with HomeKit due to a bug in the firmware.

Same story here. Right after update an Home+Control App – every device become unresponsive in homekit. In my case it’s 2.17.1 version on iOS. Everything was working fine right before update

This is a problem I also encounter every few weeks. I have to reboot my gateway and network router and everything comes back online.

Hello all,

I share with you a list of points to check that helps to resolve the issue (not 100% accurate, but it seemed to work for some of our test installations) :

Petrov & Igor, if you can please make me a feedback about this via the contact form

If it still doesn’t work, please send me via this same form the email address of your Home + Control account and I’ll open an internal ticket with your usecases

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hello everybody, same problem here since a couple of weeks.

Same behavior when I cut the power in the whole house and power back up: homekit sees the gateway for some time (maybe hours) and then back off.

My gateway has firmware 253 as well and is fully functional through the Control app but Apple Home app says it’s unresponding.

I also have the Netatmo Relay with 6 valves and it is visibile from Apple Home app and fully working. Also Control app sees it correctly.


Any updates on this, since my whole home is useless regarding Siri voice commands!

thank you


Hello again to everyone!

I added more Netatnmo products ( not Legrand ) and everything working smoothly in Homekit, without do anything special moves and used the same rooms I have already defined in Home+Control App.

It is almost 3 months that Legrand products are not working with Homekit.

May I ask you , if we have any updates when should we wait for a fix ?

Thank you in advanced.




Hi Andrew, Alexandros & others,

I had a report following the last meeting on Friday with Netatmo developers about this problem. A lot of tests have been done with different configurations. Everything seems to lead to a deadlock between Netatmo and Apple’s systems when wireless devices are called

There are some more ongoing tests with the latest iOS version (16.2) and Legrand gateway (306). It’s possible that this version bring some improvements but we can’t guarantee it

In some cases (reproduced on our side and also confirmed by some end-users), the problem can be solved after cutting/restoring the power at the main circuit breaker. It can definitively work, or only for a few hours, but it’s really random. So, it’s not the solution for the moment

In a nutshell : teams are still working on this problem which was set as a priority in their fix backlog. I’ll tell you once I have more information

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Thank you very much for your message.


We will wait for the official solution, hope soon.


Thanks in advanced



I would like to give an update for this issue.


Yesterday my Legrand gateway stopped responding in the app . I reset router , nothing, so I powered down the house.

After this I reconfigured the WiFi in the Gateway and everything started working.

I saw that there the Gateway upgraded to firmware 306.

And finally everything in HomeKit is working again after 5 months !  At least for the last 24hours. I will continue checking on this of course.

I am having iOS 16.2 but I didn’t have the upgraded HomeKit because Apple rolled back for now.




My Joi lasted only a couple of hours more after I posted the reply here.


Everything is not responding again. I restarted Gateway , it works a few minutes and then Not Responding again.

To clarify here that Yesterday I added some more HomeKit modules, one of them a Netatmo one ( Not Legrand ) and everything is working as excepted. One small detail is that this Netatmo accessory caused name conflict with HomeKit, however it was working perfect. Fix the name and still is working without problem.

So I am not sure what is happening now…


Hi Andreas,

Here is the official communication given to country’s Customer Supports and to me about this issue :

Subject: “No answer” accessories in Apple’s “Home” app.


For some time now, Apple has been preparing to migrate its HOMEKIT solution to compatibility with future smart home interoperability standards.

The first modifications visible to the user were deployed with the new “House” application from iOS 16, then iOS 16.1, for which a graphic modification of the application could be observed.

Now, with iOS 16.2, the “Homekit” technical solution is being completely rebuilt.

As a result, certain features have been modified or deprecated by Apple, which may result for some users in “no answer accessory” notifications in Apple’s “Home” application, particularly in the context of interoperability between “Home +control” and Homekit for us.

The developers are following this subject with attention, but for the moment no lasting fix could be applied to stabilize the situation, because Apple is still making changes and modifications to their ecosystem.

In the event that a fault appears, various simple methods can be applied initially to correct it:

– Check in home+control that there is no name or room conflict between H+C and Homekit.

– Check that the concentrator is connected to the same SSID as the Legrand gateway.

– Restart the control socket.

– Restart the hub (Homepod or Apple TV).

– Restart iPhone / iPad.


If despite this the fault persists, it will be necessary to completely reset the link between Homekit and Home+control.

– Delete the “Legrand gateway” bridge in the Home application (if no other bridge is associated with the house, you can delete the house).

– Perform a 10s reset on the control socket. We advise you to assist the user during this procedure. If you are unfamiliar with this procedure, contact us to review it together.

– From the home+control application on an iPhone, redo the association with home kit.

– Complete the settings in the Apple “Home” application.


At the end of this reconfiguration, check that:

– The names of products and parts are identical in both applications.

– The Legrand gateway is in the same room as the concentrator (Homepod or Apple TV).



The developers are continuing their investigations to take into account all the developments put in place by Apple, and to make this interoperability stable over the long term.


On my side, I’ll let you know if I have some new infos about that topic

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

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