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Arteor with Netatmo Homekit Integration and Capability

Hello, noob questions re the Arteor with Netatmo System

1. Is a fan controller on the horizon? There is currently no supported ceiling fan HomeKit system in Australia. Your fine system is about perfect for my needs as a project solution, and I was pleasantly stunned when it was launched in Australia, but the lack of ceiling fan control is a deal breaker. I’m aware that there are dumb (non smart) fan control modules for arteor, but having to get out of bed to turn a fan on and off is a bit 20th century!

2. Can a fixed switch be wired with voltage input, but no output, then be used with HomeKit automations to control another function. Turning on a TV for example. How are the switches represented in the HomeKit app. Can each switch be used in automations, does it support double press etc.

3. What is the amperage limit of the curtain/blind hardwired switch, can it handle an exterior roller shutter? 10A?

Many thanks to all, some great content on here!


I can’t believe that I logged a call with UK customer service many months ago about the 4 button switch not working properly with HomeKit…. and just because I looked here again, I find that there has been an update… to the Controller (I think)…. and now it works quite acceptably.


1) I’m so pleased it’s fixed, although the button numbering is weird

  • Button 1 appears as Button 4 in HK
  • Button 2 appears as Button 3 in HK
  • not mapped the others yet

2) Why didn’t the UK support contact me and tell me there had been an update? *sigh*

Leslie, your support in here is great but Legrand has a long way to go if it wants to be taken seriously in the home automation space with a consumer product.

Hi again,

I’ll report your comment to the UK customer support responsible. I don’t know how they perform their follow-ups of requests, so I can’t tell you why they didn’t warn you

Concerning the weird display of 4-scenes buttons on HomeKit, we are aware of it but unfortunately we can’t do anything. It’s linked to the way Apple decided to attribute a number to the button (for any brands selling 4-scene switches) and it does not correspond to the way our hardware/software was built

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie
Any word on that smart fan controller?



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