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Legrand wireless switch on homekit without wired switch


Is there any reason why wireless switch cannot be used autonomously and exposed to homekit without using a wired switch? That way the switch could be used to control other homekit accessories or scenes eg.. Hue lights. This is possible using a custom zigbee hub, so why not with the original one?

Hello Luca,

Normally, it should correctly work. I’ve seen a similar case a few months ago, the user had to wait 24 hours before his NLT devices arrive in HK. Please also check that your gateway is up to date (v.253)

If you still don’t see them in HomeKit on Monday, send me an email via the contact form with the email address of your Netatmo account. I’ll check if everything is OK with your configuration and warn the teams if needed

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Thank you Leslie for the quick answer. I’ve had these switches in my setup for weeks now: the setup is very stable, and the gateway is already at v253 (has been for a while). The 3 K4003CWs I have are showing up in HomeKit as expected. The K4003CWIs don’t.

I’ll send you an email with my Netatmo email address account right away!



  • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Salgarelli Luca. Reason: Wrong markup mistakenly applied

Hello i have K4003cw FW60, and Gateway FW253, the k4003cw works fine in the app, but in the homekit i have configurated the scenario for the wirless switch exposed, but when i press the button only the legrand/biticno lights are influenced by the button. Any suggestion?

Thanks a lot


Now with the IOS 16 update it was disappeared from homekit

Hi Luca,

With iOS 16, Apple changed a bit the way they show wireless devices. It’s not displayed anymore by default but you must go to the room where your switch is, open the setting page and activate the option

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi Leslie, thanks for your answer, now i can find the switch in home app but, the switch control only the biticino accessory and not others even if i have configurated in the home app after the pression of the button 1 or button 2

Thanks again

Hi Luca,

If I well understand : you configured your wireless switch to perform an action, but it doesn’t work when you press the switch buttons. Does it work when you launch the action via HomeKit application ?

Can you explain what is the exact usecase (how the scenario is configured, what is the wanted behavior, …)

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Exaclty, i have configurated the scenario in the homekit app, when i press button 1 it have to turn on 3 lights, they are all bticino and it works fine, pressing button 2 should turn off 10 lights (9 bticino and 1 other brand)but  only the bticino lights go out. but if i try the scenario in home app all 10 light go out.



My wireless switch “Green Power” 064872L don’t show up in Apple Home app.

Whereas wireless switch with battery 064872 are showing up.

Is it a normal behaviour ?

Release version :

– v1 for 064872L

– v60 for 064872

– v253 for gateway

Hello Mathieu,

Green Power devices (wireless and batteryless) are not exposed in HomeKit. It would require including the Green Power stack in the Gateway, which is not something planned for the moment but there are internal discussions about this subject

Only wired and wireless with battery devices can be used in HomeKit

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Thanks for your quick feedback.

Well I am using this scene switch to turn off everything off and activate vacuum cleaning – using an automation witch HomeKit (and HomeAssistant). I can’t do that with Control app.
If other users had same usage, that would feed your internal discussions I guess.

Meanwhile I will swap this batteryless device with a battery powered switch.

Have a good day

Hello Leslie,

I’m in the same situation of Luca Salgarelli. I don’te see the k4003cwi in HomeKit.

the gateway has 306 fw and the wireless command has the 60 fw.

can you help me?

Hello Marco,

Normally, the switch appears in HomeKit since the v.54 firmware version. Sometimes, wireless devices in HomeKit are set in a default room or an another room than the one defined in Home + Control

I advise you to check carefully and, if you still don’t see it, please send me via the contact form screenshots from your installation in HomeKit and the email address of the account you use to manage your devices

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

Hi !

I’m looking to buy switches and I would like to know if there is some news regarding the Green Power devices and their visibility in HomeKit since the reply you did, Leslie, one year ago.



Hello Jimmy,

Unfortunately, the gateway is technically not able to integrate the Green Power ZigBee stack. So, Green Power devices will not be exposed in HomeKit

Have a good day,

Leslie – Community Manager

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